This is the family's
online bulletin/messaging board. The board is a
fast and easy way of
sending or posting a message for the whole family's attention/reading. It's as easy as and works
like email. However, it does more than email. For example, when you email-reply
to a QT-sent email, your email reply is posted in our bulletin board, AND sent
to all the individuals listed in our Email Directory.
You can also "go" to our
QT (Quick Topic) bulletin board;
read all the current and old postings; and/or post your message there. If you do
post a message, the bulletin board will post your message AND then broadcast (i.e.,
send) your message to all the individuals listed in our Email Directory.
If your email address is NOT listed in the Email Directory below, you will NOT
receive the (QT) board postings/emails).
To visit &/or post a message in our QT bulletin board,
click here.
"ace lotuaco" acelot88@yahoo.com
"adelwisa lotuaco" ade0696@yahoo.com
"Alyssa Lotuaco" alyssa.lotuaco@marriott.com
"Anna Maria Lotuaco-Hummerstone" annamaria.hummerstone@Yale.edu
"Baltazara & Denys Lotuaco-Collins" baltazara@yahoo.com
"Ben & Marlie Lotuaco" bemare@bellsouth.net "Bobby Lotuaco"
justballn@hotmail.com "Chris Lotuaco" joehoe@comcast.net
"Cindy Lotuaco" ccacmhl@cathaypacific.com "Cora Lotuaco" ctlot0428@yahoo.com
"Darlene de Guzman" darlene814@yahoo.com
"Darryl de Guzman"Darryl.DeGuzman@treas.state.nj.us
"David & Cynthia Kim" clkim@optonline.net
"Didi Molano" dmolano@patmedia.net
"Felizardo & Mina Lotuaco" guillerminal@phfewic.org
"Francis A. Lotuaco" flotuaco@temple.edu
"Gamie Lotuaco" gamlot@yahoo.com
"George & Luisa Shepherd" lglggs@socket.net
"Gigi Lotuaco-de Guzman" gigilotucs@aol.com
"Iam Lotuaco" Iam_dmd@hotmail.com
"James & Lisa Simpelo-Duke" lisa.duke@brightonusa.com
"Jessica Lotuaco-Gilden" jessica@jessico.net
"Jhun Lotuaco" gapanshell2@hotmail.com
"Jojo & Lulu Lotuaco-Aligno" trimech@capznet.mozcom.com "Jose
Molano Jr." cfodfa@mnl.sequel.net
"JP Lotuaco" lotuaco.jp@pg.com
"Jovi Mendoza" jovim1@yahoo.com
"Keith & Theresa Simpelo-Cain" tscain@yahoo.com
"Lara Shepherd" lara_shepherd@hotmail.com
"Loren Simpelo" loren@simpledesign.com "Luisa G. Lotuaco" llotuaco@yahoo.com "Luisa
M. Lotuaco" littlesongofstars@gmail.com
"Manny & Edna Lotuaco-de Guzman" roslyn@msn.com
"Melissa S. Duke" lisa.duke@brightonusa.com
"Melotte Tivoli Lotuaco" dadimelo@yahoo.com "Michael & Medy Lotuaco-Alexander" 5malexander@cox.net
"Nicky & Jojo Lotuaco" lotuaco@cox.net
"Noreen Lotuaco" budnors@yahoo.com
"Odie Lotuaco" micmig72@hotmail.com
"Peter & Jessica Lotuaco-Gilden" pagjdl@aol.com
"Pilar K Lotuaco" gramalo@worldnet.att.net
"Rachel Lotuaco" rachlotmd@yahoo.com
"Raul & Dolly Tan" rvtan@attbi.com
"Raymond & Stephanie Lotuaco Y Joven" monlot@hotmail.com
"Remy Dalusong-Lotuaco" remydlotuaco14@cox.net
"Remy & Renato Lotuaco" gapanshell@hotmail.com
"Risa Mendoza-Dionisio" RMD33BINGO@yahoo.com
"Rowena S.
Wardrip" cwardrip@msn.com "Theresa Cain"
"Selina Lotuaco-Ulangkaya" celuigab@tampabay.rr.com
"Shiela L. Galvez" emgalvez@rogers.com
"Sol Lotuaco" slotuaco@msn.com
"Violy Lotuaco" lotvi@aol.com
"Wendy Lotuaco-Amoranto" wazam@rogers.com
"Xavier Lotuaco" turbo_xavier@yahoo.com.com
NOTE: If your email is not listed above; OR your email listed above is
not correct; OR you have a new email, please send your new/correct email to: